“How SquareNuts Found One Easy Inspection and Lab Testing Solution” (Case Study)

Learn how quality control inspections and lab testing helped SquareNuts demonstrate product safety and regulatory compliance to their customers.


Many importers are confident in their ability to sell a product but feel lost when it comes to managing product quality and meeting legal requirements.

As an importer, you might not have the technical expertise or resources to inspect or test your products yourself before shipment. So how can you verify your goods meet your customers’ requirements and regulations, especially when you’re based in another country?

Download your free copy of AQF’s case study: How SquareNuts Found One Easy Inspection and Lab Testing Solution. You’ll learn how SquareNuts manages product quality without their own QC team in Asia through third-party quality control inspections and lab testing.

This case study covers:

SquareNuts’ greatest challenge with meeting customer requirements

SquareNuts first needed help with ensuring goods met their customers’ expectations before shipment. As a promotional goods startup, SquareNuts’ relationship with their customers is paramount. Each of their customers have different quality requirements for a wide variety of softline, hardline and toy products.

SquareNuts then sought the support of a third party to help ensure compliance with EU regulations, especially the EU Toy Safety Directive. They wanted one provider who could help with both these inspection and lab testing needs.                                                               

Key factors SquareNuts considered when choosing a Quality Control Partner

  • Responsive customer support: SquareNuts was frustrated with their previous quality control provider that required them to send multiple emails back and forth before they got a response. Rather than repeat that experience, they sought a highly responsive QC partner that would always be reachable.
  • Easy-to-use online booking platform: SquareNuts also wanted to avoid a slow and tedious booking process. They looked for a provider with an online platform where they could book services themselves in minutes.
  • Technical expertise: SquareNuts is primarily composed of buyers and producers, rather than quality engineers and other technical staff. This meant they needed a provider who could advise which tests they should conduct to ensure product safety and EU compliance.

Learn how AQF’s technical expertise helps SquareNuts ensure product compliance

With AQF’s technical expertise, SquareNuts can import goods into the EU with peace of mind.

Intuitive lab testing packages make it easy for SquareNuts to determine which tests to conduct on their products. AQF’s toy testing package includes all the most important EU toy safety tests, providing SquareNuts with a cost-effective solution to minimize their risk.  

AQF’s inspection reports help SquareNuts’ buyers anticipate any quality issues before shipment and proactively communicate concerns to their customers. And if EU customs officials ever ask for evidence of regulatory compliance, AQF’s lab testing reports can help with that too.

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