Manufacturing and QC blog | InTouch Quality

3 Considerations When Sourcing Cosmetics Packaging

Written by AQF Team | 26 Jan 2021

Cosmetics and skincare packaging must go through rigorous testing before being approved for distribution, but testing the products alone is not enough. The quality and safety of the packaging of these items must also adhere to a variety of standards in order to ensure product quality and consumer safety. 

Here are three of the most important things to consider when sourcing cosmetics packaging in order to make an informed decision that best benefits your company, your product, and your consumers.  

Why Is Sourcing Cosmetics Packaging Carefully Important?

Cosmetics packaging standards vary widely from country to country, and adherence to these quality requirements is strictly regulated. The type of packaging that is used for cosmetics and skincare products is important because the quality and safety of any product that touches the skin can be affected by the type of material that it is packaged in. 

Things to Consider When Sourcing Cosmetics Packaging

Both the safety of the type of material that is used for cosmetics packaging and its ability to adequately protect the product are crucial elements of sourcing the best packaging. It is important to thoroughly understand how the manufacturer you are considering tests the quality of each of these aspects in order to ensure that your manufacturer reliably adheres to your country's standards

1. Setting An Acceptable Quality Limit (AQL)

Some packaging defects can be accepted at certain levels as long as the defect is not considered to be "critical". Cosmetics brands will want to work with their supplier and QC team to establish an AQL for the various defects that may occur. Keep in mind that there is no universal AQL so you will have to come up with your own. For example, low-end brands may have a higher tolerance for defects than top-of-the-line cosmetics brands with a sensitive image. 

2. Time to Market

When investigating different suppliers for your cosmetics packaging, you'll want to consider their time to market. This is especially important if the supplier is located overseas. While some suppliers can get your shipment to you in just a few days, others may take as long as 6 - 12 months. Make sure your supplier can get your shipments when you need them. 

3. Minimum Order Quantity

Does your supplier have a minimum order quantity? Most wholesale companies will require an order size of 5,000 to 10,000 units per shipment. Be upfront with your supplier about this from the start inquire about lead times, as well. If the product is not in stock, you may have to wait for an extra 45 to 60 days.

Manufacturing QC for Cosmetics Packaging

At Asia Quality Focus, we prioritize keeping our clients informed about the latest developments in quality control standards and ensuring compliance to increase the safety of cosmetics and a wide variety of other products. 

Our quality control services span fourteen countries, and our commitment to convenience, flexibility, and speed allows our clients to get the services their companies need without sacrificing efficiency. Sign up for AQF Online today and streamline your entire quality control process.