Commercial Paper products are manufactured in compliance with the standards set forth by organizations such as the China Standardization Committee of Papermaking Industry. Additional international standards are used upon the requirement of buyers.

InTouch uses the most updated international standards and practices in all of its inspection checklists. Here are some of the commercial paper inspection protocols that InTouch uses:

Visual Inspection

  • Visual inspections for commercial paper are typically performed during production to detect defects in a early stage where corrections can be quickly made.
  • Verify that logos and related markings are visibleMaterials Inspection
  • Absorption tests and moisture content tests are measured and recorded
  • Inspection of raw materials are performed to control key properties; including air content and water ratio.
  • Reflective lightning inspections are used to inspect the paper for small holes, punctures or tears in the commercial paperDimensional Inspection
  • Verify that the commercial paper conforms to consumer and international specifications for density and weight measurements.
  • Verify commercial paper thickness to establish compliance with international specifications.A few of the most current international standards that are recognized by InTouch include:
  • GB/T 1910 covers the requirements for the different forms and sizes of commercial paper in China.
  • GS 10 provides the environmental requirements for commercial papers.
  • ISO 22414 covers the test method for evaluating the edge quality of commercial paper
  • GB/T 8938 deals with the specifications for commercial printing paper


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