The instruction manual is one of the most important details provided to the customer. Its sole purpose is to ensure the proper use of the product sold. A clear artwork should be provided to the supplier at the time of the purchase order. Additionnaly, that same artwork should be sent to the third party inspection company. The instruction manuals for inspections are compulsory but are not enough. Why? What else is needed?
Content of instruction manuals
The instruction manual is usually translated in the country of destination's language. It may be written in several languages when the product is sold in more than one country.
It includes a description of the product, explanations on how to use it and also drawings to illustrate the explanations. The explanations should be very clear and easy to understand for the user. We have to keep in mind that the user (as well as the QC) does not necessarily know the product therefore he has to get familiar with it via the instruction manual, step by step.
The instruction manual may also include the reseller information as well as the customer service information.
The use of the instruction manual for inspection
When performing an inspection, specially for the function check, the inspector will check the instruction manual content and compare it with the artwork or approval sample if available. If the manual is written in English or Chinese (for inspections in China), the inspector may use it to check the use of the product inspected. Otherwise he will only compare the information provided in the inspection protocol, or the approval sample, with the production samples.
To ensure the QC inspector is able to check the functions of the product, the instruction manual should also be provided in English and in detail. Sometimes instruction manuals are simplified, focused on the user as above mentioned, and it may not be detailed enough for the inspector. Buyers should complete the instruction manual in English with clear and precise product specifications.
And you: is the instruction manual for inspection the only information about the product that you provide to the inspector?