Manufacturing and QC blog | InTouch Quality

Why Sports Equipment Safety Testing is Necessary

Written by AQF Team | 14 Aug 2023

Product safety testing is more than a formality, especially when it comes to sports equipment. Unfortunately, up and coming brands may overlook this aspect of the manufacturing process, due to budget or time constraints, and leave themselves vulnerable to product failures, recalls, and even lawsuits that can tarnish the brand reputation.


In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of safety testing for sports products and explore a case study of a well-known brand that utilized strict testing procedures to improve product quality.

Why is sports equipment safety testing necessary?

Sporting goods are often subjected to heavy usage and situations that other products or toys are not. Additionally, they must also offer protection to the user to prevent significant or even life-threatening injury. 


For example, helmets, eyewear, and pads are intended to protect the wearer and must meet strict requirements such as fit and impact resistance to function properly. By subjecting sports equipment to rigorous testing protocols, brands and retailers can identify design flaws, material weaknesses, and potential hazards to better safeguard athletes and players from harm. 


Moreover, adherence to safety testing not only aligns with legal obligations but also fosters consumer trust and confidence in the brand. Ultimately, sports equipment safety testing is a critical step in promoting player well-being, ensuring product quality, and upholding the integrity of the sports industry as a whole.

What brands have successfully implemented safety testing?

Numerous reputable brands have effectively integrated stringent safety testing procedures into their product development strategies. These brands prioritize the well-being of athletes and consumers by subjecting their sports equipment to rigorous testing protocols. By doing so, they ensure that their products meet the highest safety standards and are capable of withstanding the demands of various sports and activities.

Case Study: How Oakley Improved Lens Safety

Oakley holds a strong position as one of the world’s leading brands of high performance eyewear. Their products are used by a wide range of personas including casual consumers, sports enthusiasts, and professional athletes. As such, their brand must hold up to some of the highest standards in the industry and deliver on both functionality and visual appeal.


When Oakley decided to design a goggle to be worn for motocross sports, they knew they needed to address safety concerns such as:


  • Lens penetration
  • Lens ejection
  • Lens collapse


They relied heavily on product testing to evaluate materials and prototypes that would provide high velocity impact resistance. Using ​​ANSI Z87 standards, Oakley employed a number of tests, including a compression testing procedure to evaluate lens strength and determine if better materials were needed to protect their customers from impact.

Get Help With Product Safety Testing for Sporting Goods

Does your company design and manufacture sports, fitness or exercise protective equipment? If so, using third-party independent laboratories for testing or certification may be a necessary step in ensuring consumer safety or compliance with industry regulations.


Asia Quality Focus has helped many brands and retailers and sporting goods with product safety testing to ensure their products can hold up to the most rigorous use cases without fail. We leverage the services and expertise of a network of laboratories that sit under WORMS SAFETY LABORATORIES.


Contact us today to learn more about how our extensive safety testing capabilities can help improve the quality, safety, and compliance of your sports equipment.