Learn how Seynave simplified their lighting QC inspection processes and empowered their suppliers to meet quality targets in this case study.

C14 promo feat smMany importers worry that introducing a third-party QC provider into their supply chain will complicate operations. Communicating with overseas suppliers can be a full-time job in itself—who has time to communicate back and forth with yet another company?

But what if a third-party inspection company could make your job easier, not harder? Could a third party actually simplify your operations, rather than complicate them? And what if an online quality management system gave you 24/7 access to booking inspections and reviewing reports, anytime and anywhere?

Finding a QC provider that truly understands your products and your supplier relationships can be challenging. So how can you separate the providers that will hinder your operations from those that will improve and streamline them?

How Seynave found an easy solution to lighting QC

As an EU importer of lighting products, Seynave had several poor experiences with unresponsive, inflexible and corrupt inspection companies that misunderstood their QC requirements.

Seynave was on the hunt for a new provider that could offer an easy, simple solution for managing lighting product quality overseas. Learn how they found that solution with Asia Quality Focus (AQF) in How a Convenient Online Platform Simplified Lighting QC for Seynave.

In this case study, you’ll learn why Seynave started working with AQF in 2012, including:

  • Key qualifications Seynave sought in a third-party inspection provider
  • Key features Seynave looked for in an online quality management system
  • What supply chain challenges and lighting quality issues AQF’s solution helped solve for Seynave
  • How AQF helped Seynave’s suppliers meet quality targets and deadlines

These are factors that continue to make Seynave’s partnership with their suppliers a success.

Can you benefit from Seynave’s importing success story?

No two importers are the same. But Seynave’s story might help you learn how to assess third-party QC providers and find the most suitable partner for your supply chain.

Consider these questions:

  • Do you import products from Asia?
  • Have you struggled to meet labeling laws in your market of sale, production or shipping deadlines or maintain consistent product quality standards?
  • Are you open to exploring how a third-party QC firm might help you manage product quality and production schedules?

If you answered “yes” to all of the above, this case study has practical insight to help you.

After hearing Seynave’s story, you may finally be able to rid yourself of a disorganized supply chain, poor communication and misunderstood QC requirements forever.

Discover how the right QC provider can simplify your quality management experience, so you never miss a shipping deadline or inspection date again!

Simplify your QC experience today. Click the button below to download your free case study now!

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