AQF Quality team

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Différence entre audit et inspection

by AQF Quality team on 23 Sep 2013 | 0 Comments

Un acheteur a besoin d’évaluer la capacité d’un fournisseur à satisfaire ses attentes. Cela fait partie de sa responsabilité. Pour cela il effectue un audit ou une inspection. La plupart d’entre nous différencions difficilement ces deux services alors aujourd’hui nous allons expliquer la différence entre audit et inspection.

Diferencia entre auditoría e inspección

by AQF Quality team on 23 Sep 2013 | 0 Comments

Un comprador tiene que evaluar la capacidad de un proveedor para satisfacer sus necesidades. Es parte de su responsabilidad. Para ello se puede realizar una auditoría o una inspección. La mayoría de nosotros tenemos dificultad para distinguirlas, por eso hoy vamos a ilustrar la diferencia entre la auditoría e inspección.

Factors affecting the textile color fastness

by AQF Quality team on 31 Jul 2013 | 0 Comments

factors-affecting-the-textile-color-fastnessThe textile color fastness is the capacity of a dyed textile to keep its original aspect without loosing color when being wet, washed or exposed to the light. It is one of the main issue of the textile industry.
In the article « Textile color fastness tests: ISO 105 » we learned how to test the textile color fastness. Today we will see which are the factors affecting the color fastness.

Difference between audit and inspection

by AQF Quality team on 28 Mar 2013 | 0 Comments

A buyer needs to evaluate the capacity of a supplier to fulfill his requirements. It is part of his responsibility. To do so he can perform an audit or an inspection. Most of us have difficulty to discriminate them therefore today we will illustrate the difference between audit and inspection.

4 Critical Quality Controls For Cosmetics Packaging