John Niggl comes from Bolton, Massachusetts and has worked in various roles in client services, sales and marketing at InTouch since 2013 to October 2019. He has lived in Shanghai, Jilin City, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.
If you’re hiring a QC company to carry out product inspection, how can you trust that they’re staff is familiar with exactly how you want your product to be shipped? How can you be sure they’re actually verifying your specifications point-for-point? For answers to these pressing questions, I met with InTouch Managing Director Andrew Reich to discuss the kinds of procedures that are vital to a quality control company.
Manufacturing Tips & Advice
Did you know that manufacturers are sometimes held criminally accountable for infractions and damages? Yesterday, the BBC reported that 41 people face murder charges related to the Rana Plaza factory collapse in Bangladesh two years ago. Learn how a social compliance audit might have prevented the factory collapse and protected the manufacturer and the workers.
Quality Control News
Back in March, many of us were stunned to hear about the formaldehyde scandal in North America’s largest distributor of wood flooring. A story released this past Tuesday prompted me to revisit the issue of product recalls and ways to prevent these types of issues in supply chains.
Quality Control News
Knowing full well how important communication is to quality reporting, I approached Andrew Reich, Managing Director of InTouch and an expert in the quality control industry, who agreed to answer some pressing questions. In the extensive podcast interview that followed, Andrew revealed four signs that buyers can look for as indicators of effective communication in a QC company. The following is an abridged transcript of that interview.
Manufacturing Tips & Advice
Should I hire a 3rd-party to inspect my products? This is a common question among buyers. And it helps to understand the basic functions of a product inspection company in order to answer this question. In this article, I’ll give you a rundown of the main functions – and a couple limitations – of a 3rd-party inspection company.
Manufacturing Tips & Advice
What are the best ways for a Western company to monitor quality at a contract Chinese manufacturer? What groundwork should you lay before working with a Chinese supplier? You'll learn the answers to these questions and more in this bulletin article.
Manufacturing Tips & Advice
I wanted to learn about the processes involved with sourcing in China and the kinds of challenges buyers might face trying to find a quality supplier. To that end, I sat down with Sourcing Specialist Terry Zheng of InTouch for a manufacturing podcast interview where he gave me an insider's view of what it's like to search for a quality supplier in China. The following is a transcript of that interview:
Can you remember a time when you were really disorganized? Now imagine the effect poor organization can have on the factory that’s manufacturing your product. Finally, consider the negative consequences that disorder can have on your QC partner when they’re carrying out a product inspection.
Manufacturing Tips & Advice
How important is it to you to make sure that the product you source from China is safe for your customers? Viewed from another angle, how important is it to you that the products you buy and use are safe?
Quality Control News
As an experienced buyer, you know how hard it can be to get the product you ordered manufactured to your specifications. You may have even considered product inspections to catch quality issues and make sure your orders are on track. But have you stopped to consider the inspection process and how it should be done properly? This step-by-step guide will tell you how product inspections are performed so that the buyer gets an accurate look at the order and is able to help the supplier improve.
Product Inspection