Sunny is from Hunan Province, China and earned a Bachelor's Degree at Hunan Normal University. She has been a client manager at InTouch since 2014. She has a passion for traveling, drawing and crafts.
It’s ultimately up to you, the buyer, to determine how often you should inspect. But AQF will help you get started by introducing five key factors that can influence inspection frequency in manufacturing.
Product Inspection,
Working with Factories,
Quality Control Checklist
Attempting to enforce your inspection requirements can cause tension when a factory manager is reluctant to cooperate with third-party QC. Here we’ll explore the steps you can take to address your supplier’s concerns and ensure a smooth transition to third-party inspection.
Do you spend more time than you'd like on finding and fixing quality defects after production? Here's four steps to prevent quality defects in your products instead!
Product Inspection,
Quality Control Checklist
Avoiding issues with your supplier often starts at the very beginning of the sourcing process: choosing the right supplier to work with. Don't overlook these factors when sourcing in Asia!
Working with Factories
Are you prepared to take on the massive undertaking that is establishing a local office in China to hire full-time inspectors? Don't count out third-party inspection with InTouch as a viable option.
Product Inspection
Before you shoot off an email to your supplier with your packaging requirements, make sure you know how to prepare for packaging inspection first!
Product Inspection,
Quality Control Checklist,
packaging quality control
It takes consumers just 7 seconds to form a first opinion about your product. Don't lose your chance due to bad packaging. Look out for these 3 packaging defects!
Product Inspection,
Factory QC, full-time inspectors, personally inspecting goods or using a third-party QC company: What's your choice for quality control inspection for garments?
Product Inspection,
Textile Products
Indicating to the supplier that you care about the relationship is a step in the right direction to improving it. But just saying you care is not enough. Time and well-placed effort are ultimately what create strong supplier relationships. Here are a few tips to help you foster a stronger business partner.
Manufacturing Tips & Advice