3 Reasons a Supplier Might Refuse Your Business

by Crystal Ge on 18 Apr 2016 | 0 Comments
Depending on the circumstances, a supplier might refuse your business. Find out why that can happen and how you can avoid this problem in the first place.

Topics: Sourcing, supplier audit

3 China Sourcing Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make

by Chao Wang on 29 Mar 2016 | 0 Comments
It’s easy to trust your suppliers to do the right thing. But in doing so, you might end up running into common China sourcing mistakes that harm your firm.

Topics: Sourcing

Top 5 Tips for Negotiating with Chinese Factories

by Oliver Knack on 3 Mar 2016 | 0 Comments
If you’re looking for advice on negotiating with Chinese factories, you’re not alone. Negotiating with suppliers is an important part of manufacturing in China. Early negotiations and meetings set the tone for how the rest of the buyer-and-seller relationship will play out. If you want that relationship to begin on solid footing, it’s important to be prepared ahead of time. Effectively negotiating with Chinese factories can help you not only to reach a lower price, but to receive higher product quality and avoid unnecessary shipping delays as well.

Topics: Sourcing, negotiating with chinese factories

“Making it” in China – The Factory Workers that Make Your Products

by Stacy Bruce on 1 Dec 2015 | 0 Comments
Chinese factory workers still face the same issues that have affected many others of nations strengthened by growth in manufacturing. Some continue to live with poor working conditions, safety concerns and a lack of collective bargaining rights. But factories are adapting and improving following increased pressure from brands and retailers to adhere to social compliance standards. Wages are rising. People are leaving a life of poverty and joining the ranks of a growing middle class. And China continues to see consistent economic growth built on manufacturing might.

Topics: Sourcing

5 Steps to Finding Suppliers in China

by Oliver Knack on 31 Aug 2015 | 0 Comments
How is one supposed to go about finding suppliers in China? In this article, we break down the process of finding a supplier into 5 easy steps.

Topics: Sourcing

4 Ways to Tell a Trading Company from a Factory

by Oliver Knack on 4 Aug 2015 | 0 Comments
Do you prefer to import through a trading company or work directly with a factory to manufacture your products? Is there a way of differentiating a trading company from a factory at first glance? The truth is, it can be difficult to be 100 percent sure. However, you can get a pretty good idea by using these four indicators of a trading company in order to distinguish from one or the other.

Topics: Sourcing

5 Steps to Sourcing in China

by Crystal Ge on 16 Jul 2015 | 0 Comments
Is it easy to source products in China? Most experienced buyers of Chinese-made goods will tell you that finding a supplier that can manufacture the product you want isn’t a problem. What is frequently a challenge is finding a reputable supplier that can make a product that meets your standards. In an earlier article, we answered the compelling question, Is Sourcing in China Still Competitive? Now, we want to share with you the five steps you should take in order to begin sourcing and securing a long-term supplier in this competitive country.

Topics: Sourcing

The Case for Single Source Procurement

by Shuo Wang on 15 Jul 2015 | 0 Comments
As a buyer of manufactured goods in China, how many suppliers do you use for production? Have you ever considered your supplier development strategy? Or, maybe you don’t really have a strategy for developing suppliers. If you’re accustomed to utilizing multiple suppliers, satisfied by the benefits of their price competition in the past, are you still playing the same game in China today? Do you want to enjoy the streamlined communication and relative simplicity offered by using a single supplier?

Topics: Sourcing

3 Must Read Books for Buyers Sourcing from China

by Oliver Knack on 25 May 2015 | 0 Comments

Have you been curious about China’s manufacturing landscape? Or maybe you work directly with Chinese suppliers and would like to better understand how Chinese business works. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of books out there that focus on manufacturing and business in China.

Topics: Sourcing

5 Survival Tips for Trade Shows

by Oliver Knack on 4 May 2015 | 0 Comments
Trade shows offer you the opportunity to discuss production capabilities and your own requirements first-hand, typically in English. But trade shows can often be a frustrating experience, especially your first time or early on. By following our 5 simple survival tips you can ensure you are putting yourself in the best position to get the most out of your valuable time while at the show. .

Topics: Sourcing

4 Critical Quality Controls For Cosmetics Packaging