Oliver Knack started with InTouch in August 2013 and since InTouch's merger with Asia Quality Focus has served as the company's CEO. He comes from Brisbane, Australia and has lived and worked all over China, including in Qingdao, Taipei and Shenzhen. He is an avid car enthusiast.
Quality control is essential for all the imports during the manufacturing process. Let's learn about how to maintain quality level even under the disruption of COVID-19.
Manufacturing Tips & Advice,
Supply chain
These 10 traits will help you sort good suppliers from bad suppliers and help you determine if using a particular supplier is best for your supply chain, customers and business.
Manufacturing Tips & Advice,
Working with Factories
You shouldn't have to pay exorbitant QC fees to get a clear pre-shipment report of your product quality. Here's a few ways InTouch can accommodate your budget!
Product Inspection
Want your product to be one of the 608 million packages Amazon ships per year? Packaging inspection can help you ensure you comply with Amazon FBA packaging requirements before shipment!
Product Inspection,
Where should you source your garments? Find out the pros and cons for garment importers of each of these top 4 Asian countries for manufacturing garments!
Product Inspection,
Textile Products
Discover the value of quality control inspection when conducted at various times in production! And find out when it’s best for you to identify product defects!
Product Inspection
AQL sampling can save you time & money. What's not to like? Learn more reasons why QC professionals use AQL sampling for product inspection and in which cases AQL might not be appropriate in this blog article.
Product Inspection,
Acceptable Quality Level (AQL),
QC professionals
QC inspection results provide vital info about your order, but you still need to analyze the report & talk to your factory before you decide to ship the order.
Product Inspection,
QC inspection report
Quality defects, failure to conduct product tests and inaccurate reporting are just some of the problems you might face when you don't use quality control checklists.
Product Inspection,
Quality Control Checklist
How can you prevent quality defects in your clothing? Understanding the different types of garment defects and their classification is a simple way to help make your garment inspection more effective and accurate.
Product Inspection,
Textile Products,
Acceptable Quality Level (AQL),
Quality Control Checklist