What Do Suppliers Do with Rejected Products?

by Chao Wang on 8 Jun 2016 | 5 Comments
Once products are found to be defective, you shouldn't assume that they'll be taken care of properly. If your branding is on any rejected products, you especially need to communicate with your supplier to make sure they aren't sold to your competitors or to local markets.

Topics: Manufacturing Tips & Advice, supplier audit

3 Benefits of Third-Party Inspection for Suppliers

by Stacy Bruce on 25 May 2016 | 0 Comments

Some suppliers respond negatively to an importer telling them they’d like a third-party inspector to check the product at the factory. You might hear a supplier say something like “we don’t need them” or “we have our own quality control staff”.

Topics: Manufacturing Tips & Advice

3 Ways the Environment Affects Manufacturing

by Vicky Yu on 17 May 2016 | 0 Comments
Like any business venture, manufacturing is often full of challenges, setbacks and surprises. Some of these are related to how the environment affects manufacturing. And while some of them are preventable, there are others that simply fall beyond your scope of control.

Topics: Manufacturing Tips & Advice, environmental compliance audit

3 Complications of Sub-Suppliers and How to Avoid Them

by Stacy Bruce on 13 Apr 2016 | 0 Comments
Knowing these three complications of sub-suppliers can help you maintain a very reliable and socially compliant supply chain.

Topics: Manufacturing Tips & Advice

3 Ways to Monitor Environmental Management Systems

by Vicky Yu on 11 Apr 2016 | 1 Comment
You may feel that monitoring and improving environmental management systems comes secondary to manufacturing a quality product. But nowadays more and more brands think that protecting the environment needs to be an important part of their supply chain. Not only can environmental compliance open doors to working with other retailers for distribution, it can also give stakeholders assurance that you’re taking responsibility to protect our planet from destructive business practices.

Topics: Manufacturing Tips & Advice

3 Tips for Stronger Supplier Relationships

by Sunny Wong on 31 Mar 2016 | 0 Comments
Indicating to the supplier that you care about the relationship is a step in the right direction to improving it. But just saying you care is not enough. Time and well-placed effort are ultimately what create strong supplier relationships. Here are a few tips to help you foster a stronger business partner.

Topics: Manufacturing Tips & Advice

3 Vital Questions to Ask before Product Rework

by Stacy Bruce on 24 Mar 2016 | 0 Comments
Rework sometimes comes at a considerable cost, can delay shipping and can even create more defects than it fixes. But sometimes it can also fix minor, major, or critical defects affecting your order. The final decision to rework or not depends on your situation and ultimately rests in your hands.

Topics: Manufacturing Tips & Advice

3 Reasons to Sign a Non-Compete Agreement with a Vendor

by Chao Wang on 16 Mar 2016 | 0 Comments
A non-compete agreement can safeguard the relationship you have with your vendor and also give you the factory access you desire to improve your products.

Topics: Manufacturing Tips & Advice

3 Disruptions to Manufacturing in China

by Vicky Yu on 10 Mar 2016 | 0 Comments
Eliminating disruptions to manufacturing in China is not always entirely possible, but armed with this information they are at least less severe.

Topics: Manufacturing Tips & Advice

Top 5 Issues that Can Affect QC Auditor Integrity

by Chao Wang on 1 Mar 2016 | 0 Comments
Whatever your perception of corruption in manufacturing, you probably haven’t considered some of the many other issues that might challenge QC auditor integrity. These days, corruption often takes more subtle forms. Whether you’re working with a third-party inspector or hiring your own auditors, ask them to explain how they deal with and avoid potential integrity problems. Do they have a strict policy against accepting gifts, payment or other compensation from factory staff? Do they rotate auditors to avoid any one auditor becoming too close with a factory?

Topics: Manufacturing Tips & Advice

4 Critical Quality Controls For Cosmetics Packaging