With our easy to follow eBook, learn how using AQL for inspection can help you manage product quality and save you valuable time & money in QC inspection costs!
Product Inspection,
Acceptable Quality Level (AQL)
Have you seen the videos of smartphones & hoverboards catching fire? Skipping product inspection endangers both your customers and your brand's credibility.
Product Inspection
QC inspection results provide vital info about your order, but you still need to analyze the report & talk to your factory before you decide to ship the order.
Product Inspection,
QC inspection report
Chinese factories can be hesitant to address misunderstandings, so make sure your supplier understands your requirements before errors arise in QC inspection!
Product Inspection,
Working with Factories,
Quality Control Checklist
Contrary to popular belief, QC inspectors and Chinese factories don't directly work together to solve quality issues. But learn in this blog how QC inspection can still help you improve quality!
Product Inspection,
Working with Factories,
Quality Control Checklist
Chinese suppliers don't allow product inspection companies full access to factory operations. Learn the limits to QC inspection in China to better understand your responsibilities as an importer and improve your supplier relationship!
Product Inspection,
Working with Factories,
Quality Control Checklist
We know it's hard to distinguish fact from fiction when it comes to sourcing in China. That's why we've created this eBook, complete with real-world examples from actual importers, to dispel common misconceptions of quality control inspection in China and steer you in the right direction!
Product Inspection,
Working with Factories
Learn how clearly specifying on-site product testing requirements in your QC checklist can help you prevent quality defects and ensure product safety in this blog!
Product Inspection,
Quality Control Checklist
Improve your relationship with your supplier and prevent careless errors by learning how to effectively use a quality control checklist.
Product Inspection,
Quality Control Checklist
Quality defects, failure to conduct product tests and inaccurate reporting are just some of the problems you might face when you don't use quality control checklists.
Product Inspection,
Quality Control Checklist